Contents of the Display the Résumes Suggested for Deletion Screen

This screen displays the following columns.


Column Description
Type This column displays the job seeker type, for example, external job seeker, employee referral, vendor submitted.
Résumé/CV Name This column displays the name of the job seeker. The name is linked and accesses the Résumé Dashboard of the job seeker.
Requested by Name This column displays the name of the recruiting user who suggested the deletion.
Reason This column displays the reason for the suggestion.

When a recruiting user suggests a résumé for deletion, a note is added to the Résumé Dashboard of the job seeker advising other recruiting users that the résumé has been suggested for deletion.

Date This column displays when the suggestion was submitted.


The icons in the Actions column perform the following functions.

Action Description
Remove Delete Suggestion Click this icon to remove the suggestion from the table without deleting the résumé from the system. The note on the résumé of the job seeker stating the résumé is suggested for deletion no longer displays.
Delete Résumé Click this icon to confirm the request to delete the résumé.

A confirmation message displays to provide the administrator with an opportunity to approve or reject the action before permanently deleting the résumé.

Clicking the option to confirm deletes the résumé from the database and denies the job seeker any future access to the system. The suggestion no longer displays in the table and the résumé will no longer display in any job seeker searches.

In addition to the reason for the deletion given by the recruiting user, the administrator can access the résumé of the job seeker and review in detail the reason for the deletion.